Point & Shoot Journaling: Daily Inspirations
Daily Inspirations is a class that consists of thirty days of prompts designed to make you think, help you see, and boost your creativity as you photograph with your point & shoot camera.
Each day will offer you a fresh photograph + journaling prompt. You will find a new photo assignment for you to shoot and a journaling prompt for you to ruminate upon each day.
Accompanying these Photograph + Journaling Prompts will be quotes, bits of writing, and/or links and ideas to consider. I'll sprinkle in book recommendations and tip for improving your shooting and journaling. I'll add some of my photography to the prompts or show journal pages, when appropriate. (I do know from teaching and personal experience, sometimes seeing the photographs of others can limit your interpretation of a photograph prompt- your visual mind can get a little stuck on the idea you see.)
Whether you photograph everyday or keep your prompts handy for when you need a creative snack, you will find these prompts will increase your creativity when taking photographs, beyond the photograph prompt. The journaling prompt will encourage you to be more intentional in how photograph, and to have a larger understanding of your visual content.
You'll find you photograph more frequently and shoot more images- the way to get great photographs is to shoot, shoot, shoot. While it sounds simple enough, Blank Mind can arrive when you have your camera in hand and are out and about. Having some prompts and assignments can really get you moving, and improve your photos. You'll also be able to ask questions via the blog or by email.
Thirty Photograph + Journaling Prompts will be posted onto a password protected blog in numerical order, beginning with Day One and continuing on to Day 30. Daily Inspirations will commence on January 15 and complete on February 13. Your access to the prompts will continue until March 15.
Class cost is $25. Refunds are only available up until you receive the class username and password.
The prompts will be similar to what you see below- some longer, some shorter. They may be more concrete in the assignment, more educational, more inspirational, or offer more room for interpretation. Variety is good.
"Between the worlds of men and make believe I can be found." Dan Fogelberg
The photograph prompt for today, Day Zero, is hidden doorways.
Your photo assignment, then, is to spy out a hidden doorway, an entrance to some place in between here and there, then and now, mundane and magical... and record it with your camera.
Your journaling prompt asks, "What is the story of your doorway?" Imagine one. Then, give some thought to what the doorway represents. Does it mean something specific to your imagined story? What about for you, personally? If you look at symbolic interpretations of doorways, are there interpretations that connect to your story? Are there symbolic interpretations that connect to your daily life?
You can also think about your story.
In Gestalt dream theory, we are all the objects, things, and people in our dreams. What if you applied this to your story?
Just for reference: various interpretations of doorways:
While doorway has a narrow view of the world on the other side of the door, a person can can step through. Stepping through changes everything about the view- and so can symbolize a chance to make a change in the way we see things.
Janus, the Roman god of change and transition, had two faces- looking both forward and backward. Doorways and gates were consecrated to Janus. He was the god of progression from past to future, from one vision to another.
Hope - belief in possibilities other than the present circumstance
an opportunity presented
passage- a transition or metamorphosis
initiation into some mystery or secret
birth or rebirth
dream symbolism of an opened door- your willingness to accept new ideas
(the above class sample will also serve as our second Sharing the Light photograph+ journaling prompt!)