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Ann Somerset Miles

Loved this L.K. - because I too am a planner, an organisation freak, and am always devising my own systems which I won't bore you with. Essential however for anyone who is multi-tasking across so many aspects of their life; and I think anyone who runs their own business would not succeed without some sort of paper system that can move around - and be adapted - as time dictates. Thanks for sharing, and also for all I have learned through your online classes.


I love me my paper planner too!! I can't do the computer calendars. I HAVE to write it down with good ol' pen and paper! So glad there are other people out there like me!!

connie freedman

glad to hear i am not alone on this... when my kids were young and i had my career, I too was a covey girl! infact my team of managers called me connie covey! it was my brain and helped organize my children, home and work. did i mention highlighters? each child had thier own highlighter color in which on my 2 page month i would highlight thier events! now they live on thier own and are in collage. my covey has gotten smaller, much... to a 3x5 and let me tell you it was hard scalling down and finding a fit. my family knows i still depend on my planner to remember everything! it is still my brain and my very good friend!

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