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The new needle for my Magnavox Micromatic console stereo (circa the late 60s) arrived. So, yesterday, I finally took the time to wash all the vinyl I've gathered from flea markets and thrift stores over the past few weeks. While I looked over each album before buying to be sure it was in good shape, years of storage wherever had left them very, very dusty, in some cases outright cruddy. Even the albums that looked as though they had not been played, ever, were dusty... So, after a bit of internet research, I washed them in a dishpan in lukewarm soapy water. In the most pristine albums, the water still brought up fine, iridescent rivulets of dust. I do have the regular old record cleaning solution kit, but to do that to a hundred or so old albums seemed a tad over tthe top, and really pricey. Now, if I were an audiophile, or a record collector, I might have chosen to spring for something more expensive. But, I intend to play these records on a 60s console stereo. The albums just needed to be clean. I can fuss 'em up with the record cleaning stuff as I play them.
Like many things, this process took far longer than I had anticipated, so three hours later, I called it done and decided I could do the classical and christmas albums another time. It was a lot like doing dishes by hand for four holiday dinners. I would know as we don't have a dishwasher, or a mechanical one, anyway. I'm the dishwasher. Anyhow, you know how during really tedious chores, your mind wanders?
I found myself noticing the labels- Bell, MGM, Columbia, Sun, Motown, Gordy...and the wide range in weight of the vinyl... some like the Columbia & Motown pressings are so thick, and others like the Bell and Warner Brothers are actually sort of flexible. And, I was reminded that my musical tastes are rather broad- quite a range of artists and titles. I'd tell you but you'd think I was crazy- crazy. New vinyl is pretty cool, too. Did you know that most of the new vinyl albums come with a free mp3 download or cd of the entire album? They are sort of a two-fer-one deal, which is wonderful.
The music is a treat for myself, an incentive to joy, a whistle-while-you-work opportunity that I am very much enjoying. Have vinyl you want to unload? Let me know! Any suggestions for new vinyl? Love to here 'em!
Oh LK, how wonderful! I have a huge pile, (or even two) of vinyl that both my husband and I have collected, but mainly inherited from my mum. An insanly ecclectic variety of artists - jazz, blues, 60's pop and even showtime. What we lack is the player... So all I can do is sift through them, ooing and ahhing at the great artwork on the albums! Maybe I should wash them all... Now there's a days work!!!
Posted by: Samm Menzies | 09/17/2010 at 05:23 PM