I'm back at the river for a few more days. We headed home Tuesday as the weather was a little bleak- grey, cool, rainy, and the littles were very antsy. We bring/invite/welcome/enjoy having the littles' friends for visits here and with school about to begin all the extra littles had to head on home for boring things like haircuts, new shoes, and school supply shopping. None of which we have done- I am putting that off until next week. The weather is predicted to be sunny and in the upper 80s. Perfect, as I am attemtping to sustain my denial that summer is moving along to fall.
Right now, I am loving being here. I love waking up and looking out the window as I stand up out of bed and seeing the river. I love the moonlight on the water as I lie down to sleep. I love knowing that when I sit out on the riverbank with my morning beverage, I'll see the neighbors hunting their morning breakfast.
Now, I know that once the weather turns to Western Pennsylvania rain-sleet-snow, I will be glad to come-and-go at the river for just the weekends, glad to be in my snug four-square in the small town, with the fireplace busily burning, the grocery store close by, with the littles and their friends running up and down between the basement and the third floor. But right now? Right now, I'm planning on soaking up these few days before school begins!!