My Photo

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Meri Arnett-Kremian

So colorful a backdrop, so mysterious an image of you!


your ever watchful eye....poetic


Ooh - you're in L.A. - is it sunny? Wish I were there! Funny, when I left L.A. I didn't miss it at all for years, but now - it would be so nice to be warm right now! Fun self-portrait of mysterious you in colorful China Town!
:) lulu

Deirdra Doan

Hi LK,
Such a cute self portrait. I posted one too.

Today while working on ADQ Article for my dolls I read your "Story Puppets" article. I was so impressed with your writing abilities!! What a wonderful and interesting style you you have. And the the little sayings on them.

I had to go back to the drawing board and try my hand again at my article inspired by your story in ADQ. Thank you for your help when I wrote you.


come ON!


Leslie M

This is beautiful, L.K. I'm so glad that you view the world as you do and that you share it with us.

karen cole

Don't you just love taking photographs in Chinatown? There is so much going on around you........and when YOU take the photos.....wowzah!

Susan Tuttle

Hi LK!

Such an interesting shop window photo!:)

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