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Ann Somerset Miles

All absolutely gorgeous - to see where you work and how you store your stash. Quite lovely. Glad you had such a superb meal out; refilling the well (or artist date) as Julia Cameron would say. Good and vital nevertheless.


look at that sweet little baby ...sigh.
you HAVE been busy, goodness! i hope it has inspired you to dive in, anytime i clean my studio or house i feel so inspired to create. i think tomorrow will be a great day for purging here!
i love all of your natural light pouring in and i love how your studio is the first room you walk into when coming into your house.


are you kidding? It's very right and good to celebrate a neat and clean studio! Happy Valentine's Day to your studio!

And how nice to find a little cherub curled up there!


WOW - your creative space looooooks WONDERFUL : ) if I took a picture of my workroom, you'd laugh - total chaos !!!!! thanks for sharing your space, I am inspired to go gussy mine up AGAIN !!! love, love, love that sweet little teeeeny one sleeping. Happpppy "V" Day to you and your ROOOOOOM : )
Blessings, Sandra in AZ


love your space!
i just finished one of your prompts and i guess now i have to go and check my playlists for music, you surely are keeping me busy te-hee!
you sound so joyous! super!

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